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Immigration Evaluations


Psychological Evaluations in English & Spanish


  • Asylum

  • VAWA

  • Extreme hardship waivers

  • U Visa

  • T Visa


I have been a psychotherapist for over 10 years, specializing in the treatment of trauma. As an immigrant myself, I have gone through the process of seeking citizenship in the  United States and  this is why I got interested in helping others with their immigration process. I understand the importance of conveying the extreme situations some immigrants experience in their home country, the invisible scars that this can leave and how a good assessment can be decisive for someone’s case. In my own case, it was how the story was told in order to convince the judge why it was important for me and this country to grant me a resident permit. 


  • Psychological evaluation: $1500 (2 weeks preparation time): two in-person or virtual meetings, 12-15 pages documenting your case.

  • Payment plan: $500 paid before we meet for the first time, the remaining amount can be paid as we go, full amount needs to be paid un full by the time the evaluation is ready.  

  • Credit card accepted

My focus is bringing to life your story, hardships and relationships. Evidence any psychological and emotional scars that can make your case compelling and real

These assessments give strength to court cases with very high rates of success. 

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